The power of automated workflows with Claris Connect and FileMaker
Claris Connect is a cloud-based integration platform that allows you to create entire workflows by connecting applications. Join us to learn how to create integrations in minutes not days, build workflows in a simple UI, and easily connect software and services for automated workflows. Claris Connect is the best way to integrate your FileMaker apps — either on premise or in the cloud — with a multitude of web apps and services.
Karbon: anatomie des transactions et des tests
Karbon a beaucoup à offrir à ceux qui souhaitent s'y attarder. Notre attention se portera particulièrement sur les composantes prenant en charge les transactions et les tests. Vous découvrirez les avantages que l'on peut retirer de ces pratiques, le tout supporté par quelques exemples.
Agile Development and Project Management using Agile
Wouldn't it be great if we knew, with some confidence, when a project would end and how much it would cost? It can happen, and it's not magic! Learn how adding just a few small steps to your processes can give you the tools to accurately forecast completion dates and budget. Using agile development and Scrum practices also helps your clients manage scope. It's like having a project multi-tool in your pocket.
Collaboration Développeur et Designer
La collaboration productive repose sur une communication efficace. Cela implique l'utilisation d'un code compris par toutes les parties. Intégrer le métamessage destiné aux collaborateurs dans le produit en utilisant une nomenclature d'objets et de styles qui le permettent. Tenir compte des contraintes liées au fonctionnement des thèmes dans FileMaker et stratégies pour faciliter la maintenance. S'assurer que tout est disponible pour tous les intervenants, à un seul endroit.
Présentation de produit - FM BetterForms
FM BetterForms - A modern approach to web publishing with FileMaker
How can you deploy your FileMaker app to 100's or 1,000s of users without WD or Go licensing costs or limitations?
Years ago the only popular choice for FileMaker web accessible data was PHP, coding every project by hand. Times have changed. FM BetterForms is a Web development platform for FileMaker allowing you to build everything from widgets and mobile apps right up to full company corporate portals.
See how Under Armour, Brand Builders, the biggest POS in the floral industry and several universities use FM BetterForms to make FileMaker do things you never imagined possible –– faster, and at a lower cost.
FM BetterForms allows FileMaker to be the heart of your application while still harnessing modern web technologies. We will discuss a new look on transitioning clients from traditional hourly billing to SAAS recurring revenue and how you can start developing apps with an exit plan. This is an interactive talk and questions are encouraged.
How can you deploy your FileMaker app to 100's or 1,000s of users without WD or Go licensing costs or limitations?
Years ago the only popular choice for FileMaker web accessible data was PHP, coding every project by hand. Times have changed. FM BetterForms is a Web development platform for FileMaker allowing you to build everything from widgets and mobile apps right up to full company corporate portals.
See how Under Armour, Brand Builders, the biggest POS in the floral industry and several universities use FM BetterForms to make FileMaker do things you never imagined possible –– faster, and at a lower cost.
FM BetterForms allows FileMaker to be the heart of your application while still harnessing modern web technologies. We will discuss a new look on transitioning clients from traditional hourly billing to SAAS recurring revenue and how you can start developing apps with an exit plan. This is an interactive talk and questions are encouraged.
Monitoring de l'exécution de scripts sur serveur sans attendre la fin
Les scripts sur serveur sont une manière très efficace de gagner en productivité en exécutant des processus lourds directement sur le serveur. Toutefois, l'ajout de l'option "Sans attendre la fin", même si elle permet de libérer le poste de l'utilisateur, empêche du même coup la récupération du résultat du script.
Dans cette étude de cas, nous allons voir comment un module exploitant la nouvelle fonction de FileMaker 17 “Exécuté script par nom” a été installé dans le logiciel Casserole Nova afin de contourner ce problème en permettant un meilleurs suivi des scripts lancés sur le serveur par les différents utilisateurs.
Dans cette étude de cas, nous allons voir comment un module exploitant la nouvelle fonction de FileMaker 17 “Exécuté script par nom” a été installé dans le logiciel Casserole Nova afin de contourner ce problème en permettant un meilleurs suivi des scripts lancés sur le serveur par les différents utilisateurs.
Delivering User Satisfaction in FileMaker Applications
The FileMaker 18 platform gives us a powerful toolset to fit many users' needs; flexible interfaces, multi-platform, robust backend, and the Data API. However for the user the only nonnegotiable aspect is how the solution fits with the business logic and how the user is required to fulfill it. Our mission is putting that solution into the users' hands. To deliver that, at the start of a development project the users' workflow needs are defined by a number of techniques and the test use cases flow directly from these. This is the criteria for measuring the project's success.
Let's build a vertical SaaS
Learn how we built a SaaS and what it takes technically to get your idea to market. This technical talk will cover a new take on vertical markets and Software as a Service ( SaaS ) for FileMaker developers. In the course of building our own SaaS, we discovered a ton of lessons learned as well tapped into the knowledge of other developers.
We will talk about a simple concept that can get you started in the SaaS world tomorrow without making hardly any changes to your app and use your existing client base!
You will learn about build chains, monetization, testing, design patterns, deployment architecture, coding patterns and much more.
We will talk about a simple concept that can get you started in the SaaS world tomorrow without making hardly any changes to your app and use your existing client base!
You will learn about build chains, monetization, testing, design patterns, deployment architecture, coding patterns and much more.
Une proposition de menu général à 3 niveau inspiré du web.
Tous les 4 ans, je révise totalement l'interface de mes solutions en fonction de l'évolution des technologies et des usages et des normes graphiques en vigueur. Cette nouvelle interface inaugurée cette année est fortement inspirée du web, et propose une navigation très claire en 3 sous-niveau.
The Comprehensive FileMaker No Brainer Container Explainer
FileMaker has great options for storing documents in container fields, but there’s a lot that isn’t documented. What’s the best way to convert file references to embedded files, or to external storage? Why does open storage get slow in situations where secure storage won’t, and how can you work around that? What’s the safest way to recover records with container data from a FileMaker Server backup, and what can you do to save a lot of time in a pinch? We will answer these questions and a lot more in this deep dive into FileMaker’s container fields.
Au-delà de la vue liste et formulaire : conception basée sur le flux de travail pour le monde moderne
La vue Liste et Formulaire fait partie de FileMaker depuis le début. Et ils sont toujours géniaux! Mais avez-vous déjà exploré d'autres moyens d'organiser une solution en plus du basculement entre les listes et les formulaires? Vous pouvez créer des interfaces riches, sans encombrement, qui travaillent dur sans en avoir l'air, avec à peine une vue en liste! Il s’agit de fournir des outils en contexte et d’adapter l'expérience à l'utilisateur. Cette session vous mettra au défi d’aller au-delà du modèle de base liste / formulaire et de vous montrer quelques stratégies pour enrichir l’UX de votre prochaine solution.
La protection des données personnelles - cas pratique
À partir d'une base FileMaker simple, savoir créer les rubriques et scripts pour automatiser mes traitements de protection des données personnelles.
Présentation de produit - Inspector Pro
InspectorPro | Comprehensive DDR Analysis For Developer Insight and New Ways To Collaborate
Vincenzo Menanno, Director of FileMaker Development at Beezwax will demonstrate the latest and greatest features of InspectorPro.
FM InspectorPro collects, analyzes and reports on metadata from the FileMaker DDR (Database Design Report), to provide advanced insight into your FileMaker solutions. Built from the ground up using FileMaker, the latest version of InspectorPro offers new ways of collaborating with other members of your project teams, via FileMaker Server and third-party integrations. Whether you develop alone, or as part of a team, InspectorPro lets you analyze your solutions using PDoS (Process DDR on Server), for fast results.
In this session you’ll learn:
• How InspectorPro generates comprehensive lists of problems, dependencies, references for your FileMaker solutions.
• New ways for FileMaker development teams to collaborate using tools like InspectorPro.
• The benefits to professional FileMaker developers in using a DDR analysis tool with FileMaker 18 and beyond.
Come learn what is new and improved with InspectorPro!
Vincenzo Menanno, Director of FileMaker Development at Beezwax will demonstrate the latest and greatest features of InspectorPro.
FM InspectorPro collects, analyzes and reports on metadata from the FileMaker DDR (Database Design Report), to provide advanced insight into your FileMaker solutions. Built from the ground up using FileMaker, the latest version of InspectorPro offers new ways of collaborating with other members of your project teams, via FileMaker Server and third-party integrations. Whether you develop alone, or as part of a team, InspectorPro lets you analyze your solutions using PDoS (Process DDR on Server), for fast results.
In this session you’ll learn:
• How InspectorPro generates comprehensive lists of problems, dependencies, references for your FileMaker solutions.
• New ways for FileMaker development teams to collaborate using tools like InspectorPro.
• The benefits to professional FileMaker developers in using a DDR analysis tool with FileMaker 18 and beyond.
Come learn what is new and improved with InspectorPro!
Intégration de Grafana à FileMaker Server
Présentation de la base de donnée temporelle InfluxDB, du dashboard Grafana et de comment intégrer ces outils à FileMaker Server afin de mieux surveiller les performances de votre serveur. Comparaisons avec les anciens outils de FileMaker et Zabbix.